วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Tips on How You Can Get Your Kids Working on Printable Worksheets

This article offers some ideas and practical tips on how you can get your
child working on printable worksheets, whether you are homeschooling or
simply making sure that your child does, and understands, any homework
they may have been given.

Home Learning

It is a lot easier to teach your child or to help them with school
homework if they have had experience of learning in the home. Very often
moms teach their children a lot of skills without actually realising that
the fun they are having is a great way for a child to learn. Silly games
like spotting the number of red cars while out on a shopping trip or
playing about with words by making up silly rhymes all contribute to your
child's education. The point is that you can still carry on with this type
of learning activity and it will be a lot easier to incorporate printable
worksheets into the fun and get your child working on them. Children love
to draw and color and cut and paste so you can use this pleasure in a
number of ways to make working on printable worksheets more enjoyable.

Maths Based Worksheets

Children can work with simple numbers worksheets from quite an early age
and you will have greater success in getting them to work on the
worksheets if you combine that learning work with something practical, or
at least something they enjoy doing. For example, if you are using a
simple addition and subtraction worksheet with your child, draw or type up
another sheet of with squares and numbers printed onto them. Instead of
writing the answers to the questions on the worksheet you can get your
child to cut and paste the required numbers for the answers from from the
second worksheet onto the first.

Sometimes children are given maths worksheets where they have to calculate
the cost of things or work out how much change should be given on items
that cost $3.60 when someone hands over a five dollar bill.You could do
the following:

• Get them to color in and name the three items

• If there are no pictures on the wordsheet then give them a sheet of
paper to draw and color the items and then cut them out and paste them
onto the worksheet

• Once they have done this try to find five dollars in change and help
them count out the money and calculate what is left

Engllish Worksheets

What you can do to make working on printable worksheets more enjoyable for
your child may often depend on the age and interests of the child. For
example, older children may have to read a poem which is on the sheet and
then write their own poem in the same sort of style. If they have been
used to playing word games while growing up this shouldn't be a problem,
you just have to find a way of making the doing of it attractive. One
thing that they might enjoy is if you put on a favourite cd and get them
to see if they can use some of the main phrases from that in a different
way, i.e. in the style of the poem.

Depending on your child's age and concentration span there are plenty of
fun ways to get them working on printable worksheets.


